1/35 CMP Chevrolet C15 and variants
1/35 CMP C15A Chevrolet Water Tank Lorry Cab13
Reboxed plastic Mirror Models C15A Lorry Cab13 kit with Water Tank conversion set included, all in one box
1/35 CMP C15 Chevrolet Van Lorry Cab13 full kit
Reboxed plastic Mirror Models C15A Lorry Cab13 kit with 2x4 Drive conversion set included, all in one box
1/35 CMP C15 Chevrolet Van Lorry Cab11+12 full kit
Reboxed plastic Mirror Models C15A Lorry Cab11+12 kit with 2x4 Drive conversion set included, all in one box
1/35 CMP C15 2x4 Drive Chevrolet Conversion Set
for all Mirror Models 4x4 C15A Chevrolets to convert them into 2x4 drive C15 trucks
16 resin parts, 16 PE parts