1/35 German Ommr Flatbed
1/35 German Ommr Flatbed
highly detailed and accurate model
124 resin parts
140 PE parts
+ plastic parts and wires needed for assembly
decals for one wagon
assembly instructions on CD and download here
Before WWII Ommr wagons were mostly used in service with sides mounted. During the war German Army required large numbers of flatbeds to move their tanks and vehicles to the East. Ommr wagons could be loaded up to 25 tons, enough for small tanks and trucks, so the Deutsche Reichsbahn put into this task most of the Ommr wagons with sides removed. In that time these were most common wagons seen in trains heading to the East. Armored sides werelater added to some of these flatbeds, together with lighter guns and Flaks - they were used to protect German trains against air and ground attacks. A few of these wagons were changed into improvised armoured wagons and used as a part of armoured trains in last years of the war. One of the pictures below shows heavily damaged Flatbed - wagons in service were often overloaded and it caused bad damage